Moving to Reception

At Sherborne House School we recognise the importance of smooth transitions throughout the day between different activities and lessons, both when children join the school and also when they move on to the next year group.

To find out about how we prepare our children for the transition from Pre-Reception to Reception, come along to one of our Preparing for Reception workshops. Sign up via our Nursery Open Events page. 

Before your child starts in Nursery or Reception

We will endeavour to visit all children in their current setting before they join Sherborne House School. This is an opportunity for the children to meet our staff in an environment that is familiar to them. Staff will spend time talking with your child’s current Key Worker as well as introducing themselves to your child and learning about your child’s interests and the activities they enjoy the most.

Each child will be given a book bag which contains information about Sherborne House School, as well as a small gift. The book bag will be used for Home Communication books and reading books throughout your child’s time in Nursery and Reception.

Children are then invited to attend a series of transition visits in order to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings and meet their future classmates.

We work hard within the Early Years’ department to ensure firm links are established between Nursery and Reception. Transition into Reception is made as smooth as possible. The children will already be familiar with the Reception staff as they will have had the opportunity to be involved in a variety of Early Years’ activities such as listening walks. They are also invited to visit the classroom and staff prior to joining Reception. We follow a transition programme that is open to children in Nursery as well as those children from other settings who will be joining the school. We recognise the importance of continuing and strengthening the links made with home during your child’s time in Nursery, and we provide parents with opportunities to also visit the Reception classroom and meet the staff.

There is a Curriculum afternoon, in the Summer Term, to which we invite parents of children who will be joining Reception in the Autumn Term. We aim to give parents a detailed explanation of the Curriculum and the way in which children are assessed. Parents will then gain a greater understanding of the Early Years’ curriculum and how children learn, and our expectations in terms of achievement.