Assessment and Reporting

At Sherborne House, we hold much focus on the way pupils articulate their learning. As such our language for learning – OUR STORY – underpins much of our assessment and reporting process.

Our child-led focus and the development of metacognition in learning conversations affords our pupils more awareness and autonomy in assessing their progress with learning, specifically through the use of pupil-led conferences. Through scaffolded preparation each child will be able to reflect on their progress in learning over time; they may talk about how and where they struggled, how they have improved, and their next steps.

Pupil-Led conferences
Pupil-led conferences are times when the teachers will do very little talking. Instead, the pupils lead the conferences, informing their parents about how they’re doing, what their goals are going forward, and how they best learn. Each child will have worked with their teachers to select a range of work that represents their learning and progress in all subjects. Each individual will keep and manage a portfolio of their own work, which will guide discussion through their conference. These conferences will take place over a two-week period in late Autumn and late Spring, either before or after school. Parents will be able to book a time, to suit their family, through their child’s form tutor.

Parents Evening
During the academic year, we hold a more formal parents evening too. This takes place at the beginning of the Spring term and offers the opportunity for parents and teachers to meet and discuss academic progress and test results. However, we still wish for parents to approach us at any time with their concerns; our open door policy is very much a part of our school.

The role of parents
Ahead of our planned Form Tutor meetings (which are held in Mid-October), we ask that parents take some time to think about what they would like to share with regards to their child as a learner. During the meeting we discuss their child’s view of themselves as a learner using their Pupil Transfer Information form, completed in July, as well as the parents point of view. With this information we will be able to discuss and plan the year ahead.

Reporting cycle

Years 1-6

  Assessment & Reporting  Meetings 
September  NGRT Score (Reading) 

NGST Score (Spelling) – SWST for year  1 

CAT4 Score (Cognitive Ability)

October  PTE (progress test in English) 

PTM (progress test in Maths) 

Test data report

Meet with the Form Tutor
November  Pupil-Led conferences
December  Attendance data report
January  NGRT (reading) 

NGST (spelling) SWST for year 1

Parents evening
March  Attendance data report  Pupil-Led conferences
May  PTM (Progress test in maths) 

PTE (Progress test in English)

June  NGRT Score (Reading) 

NGST Score (Spelling) SWST for year  1

July  Full written report 

Attendance data report 

Meet the New Teacher

Children in Year R complete a baseline assessment during Autumn 1. There are no other formal assessments required for this age group.

Whole school
We will continue to provide termly data reports, which will keep you informed of GL Assessment standardised scores, teacher assessed attainment levels and attendance data.

Contacting your child’s teachers
We encourage an open-door policy, where we engage in a two-way dialogue between home and school throughout the year. If parents would like to meet or speak with any teacher about their child’s progress, teachers can be contacted directly be email using the format:

Our next Open Day is on Saturday 5th October

Would you like to find out about the opportunities that a prep school can offer your child?

Join us in the Autumn Term for our Open Day on Saturday 5th October, 9am – 12pm.

Book your visit